Detail of Sarah Adelaide Chambers Skinner, Crazy Quilt, 1884. Neill-Cochran House Museum Collection
Visit This Exhibit
March 9, 2022 - April 16, 2022
Open Wednesday – Sunday
11 AM – 4 PM CST
This exhibit is located on the first floor, and is wheelchair accessible.
Hope for Spring: Pollinating Texas
A juried exhibition of local artists’ interpretations of Texas pollinators.
March 9 - April 16, 2022
Opening Reception, Saturday, March 12th.
Doors at 4:00, Awards at 5:00 PM. Open to the public.
The Neill-Cochran House Museum (NCHM), an 1856 Greek revival home located in the West Campus neighborhood, is coordinating an art exhibit to celebrate Texas pollinators. Titled Hope for Spring: Pollinating Texas, local artists are invited to interpret all our favorite pollinators, including, but not limited to, bees, butterflies, birds, and bats. 2D and 3D works can be abstract, realistic, graphic, fine art – all interpretations in all mediums are welcome.
Last year’s Hope for Spring: The Flower of Texas focused on our state flower, the Bluebonnet, and was a resounding success. For our second annual Hope for Spring exhibition, we are celebrating the astonishing Texas pollinators who work tirelessly to bring us the hope of spring. Nature has a plethora of pollinators that beautify our world. Bees and butterflies are the most well-known, but even birds and Austin’s favorite bats help to spread the beauty of spring. Without their help we would not experience all the incredible colors that pepper the Texas countryside come spring.
Many of the pieces on view are available for purchase. Take home your own pollinator today and spread the hope for Spring all year long. We look forward to seeing you at the show!
Show Dates: Opens March 9th, Closes April 16th
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 12th
Hope for Spring Art on the Lawn: Sunday, March 20th, 11-3pm *This is an exclusive Art on the Lawn specifically for Hope for Spring participants.
View the artwork
Congratulations to all the winners!
First Place: Yoab Cabrera, Butterfly Specimen
Second Place: Carol Aaron, Pollinator Humm
Third Place: Ted Lee Eubanks, Common Buckeye on Indian Blanket
Honorable Mentions:
Cornelius Carter, Fly Like a Butterfly
Danae Klingspor, Leaf Bug and Eupholus Magnificus
Linda Wandt, Nepenthes
Lynn Zwern, Pollinators Spring Call